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HomeJungle camp on the Lost City trek

Jungle camp on the Lost City trek

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

The hike to the Lost City takes you through the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Park. It is a protected area that is also considered Colombian cultural heritage. Many of the area’s indigenous population still lives in small villages, enforcing old traditions and ways of life.

The camps you will spend the night at are owned and run by the local people, and make a positive contribution to the economic development of the local community. Getting so close to a population that lives such a different life to our own is a truly unique experience. Remember, as a guest in this area, to respect the people who live here and always ask for their permission before taking pictures. Your guide will tell you much more about the beliefs, traditions and customs of the original tribes on the trek to the Lost City.

You will stay at three different jungle camps on your way to and from the Lost City. The camps are primitive with shared toilet facilities. They accommodate around 50 people and are shared by several groups at a time. You will sleep in bunk beds or hammocks with mosquito nets. There are sheets and blankets in the camps, but we recommend that you bring your own inner sheet with you. The temperature may drop to 18–22 degrees during the night.
The beds are under a lean-to, sheltered from the rain.

You can fill your water bottle in the morning before leaving the camp, but note that the water you are given is boiled, purified water from the river. If you don’t want to drink this, you can buy bottled water. It will also be possible to buy some snacks and soft drinks in the camps.

Latin America
Emily Roper

Emily loves to travel and is extremely passionate about helping others achieve their travel dreams.

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13