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HomeHalf-day tour of modern-day Havana (morning)

Half-day tour of modern-day Havana (morning)

Jump into a beautiful American car and feel the wind in your hair as you experience even more of Cuba’s charming capital, which oozes history.

Among other things, you will visit the areas: Central Havana, Vedado and Miramar. You’ll pass by the beautiful old government building El Capitolio Nacionál, which is practically identical to the Capitol Building in Washington. Cuba’s congress was located here until the revolution in 1959.

The tour continues along the beach promenade. El Malecón, past Hotel Nacionál and the city’s scenic university to the massive revolutionary square, Plaza de la Revolución. Many important political speeches were held here, and two large pictures of two heroes of the revolution: Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos, hang on the square.

You also have the option of an ordinary car with air conditioning for the excursion.

Please note that there are no seatbelts in the American cars.

Duration: approx. 3-4 hours

The price applies when there are at least 2 people.

Per person from:  £93
Latin America
Emily Roper

Emily loves to travel and is extremely passionate about helping others achieve their travel dreams.

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13