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HomeHiking Tour to Le Morne Mountain

Hiking Tour to Le Morne Mountain

You almost certainly know the Le Morne mountain – but perhaps without knowing it.

It is the beautiful tall rock surrounded by white sand and the most beautiful blue sea which you often see depicted as an introduction to Mauritius.

The mountain is on UNESCO’s World Heritage List of Cultural Landscapes – not because of the beautiful green colour of the mountain, but because both the mountain itself and the surrounding area were used as a refuge for escaped slaves in the early 1800s. In many ways, Le Morne has become a symbol of the slaves’ struggle for freedom.

With its height of 550 metres, Le Morne towers above the landscape of Mauritius. On this guided half-day excursion, you will climb the mountain and enjoy the beautiful views from the top.

The first two-thirds of the way to the top are relatively easy. For the final stretch, you need to be ready for a little adventure, but you will have the guide with you all the way to help you reach the top. The hike can easily also be done by children – but they must be at least ten years old.

Per person from:  £132
Catriona Hodge

Catriona is passionate about helping other people fulfill their travel dreams, as she knows how much travel has only improved her life for the better!

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13