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HomeTent camp on the Inca trail

Tent camp on the Inca trail

Trekking, The Inca Trail

On the Inca trail to Machu Picchu, you will be spending three nights camping, sleeping on comfortable mats in 4-person tents. You will be sleeping two to a tent, so there will be plenty of space for your luggage. The toilet conditions are basic, and there is no access to running water on the trail except on the last night, when all groups sleep in the same camp. Here, you can buy yourself a hot – much-needed – shower. The final camp also has a small shop selling drinks and snacks.

Look forward to sleeping under a starry sky with no light pollution, and to waking up to stunning views of the Andes Mountains.

Please note that the camp sites on the Inca Trail are subject to change depending on availability and weather conditions.

Latin America
Emily Roper

Emily loves to travel and is extremely passionate about helping others achieve their travel dreams.

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13