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HomeHalf-day safari in Kruger National Park (afternoon)

Half-day safari in Kruger National Park (afternoon)

You might be tempted to think that a morning game drive and an afternoon game drive are the same, but you couldn’t be more wrong. During the day, many of the large animals rest in the shade, out of the sometimes merciless sun, but in the afternoon, when the temperature drops, they slowly start to wake up, ready for action – and the night’s hunt.

Departure for Kruger National Park is right after lunch, and you’ll probably find the first few hours quite calm. The heat can be intense, and if you’re lucky you might come across a waterhole where the elephants are attempting to cool down. The park is most drowsy at this time of day, and this gives you a really good opportunity to take a closer look at the landscapes and vegetation. Sometimes a pack of lions will be lying in the shade of a tree right next to the road – and an hour can easily pass just watching them. When the heat subsides, they start to move around a bit – if there are young lions among them, they might become playful, just like your cat at home (if you have one).

You leave the park before the sun sets. At night, the park is the reserve of the animals. You’ll be back at your hotel in good time for dinner.

This excursion is for TourCompass’ own guests only, with a maximum of 9 guests in the car.

Per person from:  £86
Catriona Hodge

Catriona is passionate about helping other people fulfill their travel dreams, as she knows how much travel has only improved her life for the better!

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13