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HomeExperience village life and the art of weaving in Dunagaha

Experience village life and the art of weaving in Dunagaha

Our partner in Sri Lanka has carefully selected the remote village of Dunagaha as one of their support projects, and TourCompass obviously wants to support this.

Dunagaha is located just under 20 km west of Negombo and is especially known for their unique craftsmanship in weaving. You will get close insight into precisely this discipline on today’s excursion.

You will be picked up from the hotel and driven to Dunagaha – a drive of about 35 minutes. Upon arrival, you will be met by the famous, warm Sri Lankan hospitality. You visit a local family and are invited into the family’s everyday life, which is a unique and empathetic experience. You will learn more about life here in Dunagaha and get good insight into the weaving culture and the whole weaving process. If you are up for it, you can try your hand at this handicraft to the best of your ability.

Sri Lankans are an incredibly friendly and hospitable people, and you cannot be invited into their homes without being offered something for your sweet tooth and a cup of Ceylon tea. This will also be the case here before it is time to say goodbye.

Finally, you will receive a traditional woven shawl bought in the village by our partner. It not only serves as a souvenir of your visit to Dunagaha, but also supports the locals and the village economically.

You will then be driven back to the hotel.

Duration: approx. 2.5 hours.

We recommend that you book the excursion when booking the tour.

Per person from:  £29
Laura Arundell Trelborg

Laura loves to travel and is extremely passionate about helping others achieve their travel dreams.

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13