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10 tips for travelling (a little) more sustainably

10 tips for travelling (a little) more sustainably
10 tips for travelling (a little) more sustainably
HomeSustainability10 tips for travelling (a little) more sustainably

10 tips for travelling (a little) more sustainably

HomeSustainability10 tips for travelling (a little) more sustainably

Travelling the world and experiencing cultures different from our own is truly remarkable. At TourCompass, we’re inspired by the transformative effect that tours can offer.

However, it can sometimes seem paradoxical to travel when the world faces many climate-related challenges. Yet, there are also compelling reasons to continue exploring the world.

At TourCompass, we are very aware of the responsibility we hold in running a business that addresses some of the numerous challenges the world faces. We believe it’s our duty to create meaningful adventures.

This, of course, doesn’t absolve you, as a traveller, from responsibility.

It’s crucial that we all strive to incorporate more sustainable practices into our travel habits when visiting other countries. So perhaps consider the following when you travel:

  1. Whenever possible, choose an airline that invests in biofuels
  2. Travel outside of peak season
  3. Minimize your plastic use
  4. Buy local souvenirs
  5. Conserve water
  6. Use local guides
  7. Be mindful of your impact on nature
  8. Respect wildlife
  9. Familiarize yourself with local customs and traditions
  10. Choose a responsible tour operator


You can read more in depth about all ten points in this blog post:
