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Open today 09 - 13 | Opening hours
HomeHighview Coffee Lodge

Highview Coffee Lodge


Highview Coffee Lodge is part of Highview Hotel, and therefore offers the same facilities as Highview Hotel.

The rooms at the Coffee Lodge are slightly secluded, around 100 metres from the hotel itself. The lodge consists of 4 double houses with two rooms in each house. They lie staggered up a hill, so there is air and space around them. They all have a large bathroom, a private veranda and plenty of space to relax with a book. The rooms have their own dining tent, where you can choose to eat breakfast and/or dinner while enjoying the view of the valley and the coffee plantations.

Naturally, you are also welcome to make use of all of the hotel’s facilities: pool, restaurant, day spa, etc.

The rooms are double rooms intended for 2 people, however two adults and two children are permitted to share a room.

Price for upgrade from Highview Hotel per night:
Double Room Per person from:  £200
Family Room - 2 adults & 2 children under 15 Per person from:  £96
Catriona Hodge

Catriona is passionate about helping other people fulfill their travel dreams, as she knows how much travel has only improved her life for the better!

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13