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HomeVisit the Tinga Tinga social project

Visit the Tinga Tinga social project

You have the option to visit the “Maasailand Development for Women and Children” (MDWC) social project in Tinga Tinga, which is roughly a 1½-hour drive from the lodge. You will visit a school and have the opportunity to play with the children or perhaps tell them a little about your home country?

You will also visit a group of local Masai women who make the most beautiful bead jewellery, which they sell to make money for themselves and their families. Lunch is included and enjoyed in Tinga Tinga.

The tour is booked and paid for there.

Duration: approx. 5–7 hours

Per person from:  50 USD
Catriona Hodge

Catriona is passionate about helping other people fulfill their travel dreams, as she knows how much travel has only improved her life for the better!

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13