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HomeSleeper seat on the night train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok

Sleeper seat on the night train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok

Chiang Mai - Bangkok

Travelling by train in a different country is always an experience as you meet a lot of interesting people. In Asia, it is also a very common mode of transport for the country’s own inhabitants. This is very much the case in Thailand.

The train carriages themselves are clean and comfortable. A couchette consists of a number of screened off compartments – so not a cabin as such. When you want to sleep, the conductor comes along and changes your seat to a bed and pulls a curtain around you for privacy. All beds are made up with sheets, pillowcases and a sealed blanket in clean, freshly washed cotton. There is luggage storage in your couchette.

If you become hungry on board, you can order food from the waiter/waitress who passes through the train. Another option is to bring your own food, or to eat at one of the restaurants near the train station before departure, which is often cheaper.

The train stops at several stations along the way to Bangkok.

Millie Davies

Millie’s passion for travel sparked when she was little, and now she loves to help others fulfil their travel dreams

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13