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Practical information about USA

Practical information about USA
Practical information about USA

Practical information about USA


Best time to travel

It is possible to travel to the United States throughout the year.

The United States is a big country, and the climate can vary greatly in the 50 states and 14 territories.

The United States is a popular destination all year round, but the most visited months are generally the summer half, when the Americans themselves also go on holiday. Some areas are more visited during special periods than others. For example, the New England area is especially popular in the autumn in connection with leaf fall, while the southern states are most popular in the spring months due to the warm temperatures. Skiing areas, as well as big cities such as New York and Chicago, are also popular in the winter months.

The Northeast Coast (Washington D.C. – NYC – Boston):
On the Northeast Coast in the Washington D.C. district as well as in states such as Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts, you will find the major cities Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York City and Boston. Here, the climate is temperate with four seasons, where you typically experience warm summers and cold winters with snow.

Weather statistics for Boston: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 2 3 7 14 19 24 28 27 23 16 10 5
Average minimum temperature -7 -6 -2 4 10 15 19 18 15 9 3 -3
Rainfall mm 99 87 117 103 88 90 76 90 90 110 95 117
Average maximum temperature 3 5 9 16 21 26 29 28 24 18 12 6
Average minimum temperature -4 -4 0 6 12 17 20 20 16 10 4 -1
Rainfall mm 86 78 106 92 92 103 105 106 95 97 76 103
Weather statistics for Washington D.C.: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 6 8 13 19 24 29 31 30 26 20 14 8
Average minimum temperature -2 -2 2 8 14 19 21 21 17 11 5 0
Rainfall mm 82 74 101 86 99 91 105 89 110 88 73 90

The Southeast Coast (Savannah – Charleston):
The states located along the Southeast Coast include Georgia and South Carolina with cities such as Savannah and Charleston. Here is subtropical climate. Here you typically experience hot and humid summers and milder winters. Tropical storms and hurricanes are common during the late summer and fall seasons.

Weather statistics for Charleston: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 15 16 19 23 26 29 30 30 28 24 20 16
Average minimum temperature 7 9 11 15 20 23 25 25 22 18 12 9
Rainfall mm 81 84 81 74 70 133 143 166 128 104 65 87
Average sea temperature 16 16 16 19 23 27 28 29 27 24 20 18
Weather statistics for Savannah: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 7 8 11 15 19 23 24 24 22 17 12 9
Average minimum temperature 15 17 20 24 28 30 31 31 29 25 20 17
Rainfall mm 90 86 80 68 60 120 119 160 123 103 61 88
Average sea temperature 14 14 14 19 23 26 28 29 28 25 21 16

Gulf Coast (Orlando – Miami – New Orleans – Houston):
The states located along the southern coast include Florida, Texas and Louisiana with cities such as Orlando, Miami, Houston and New Orleans. The area forms part of the Gulf Coast region, named after its location at the Gulf of Mexico.

Here the climate is subtropical and characterised by very hot summers and mild winters, and with high humidity. In the spring and autumn months, temperatures will be more pleasant.

Tropical storms and hurricanes are common during the late summer and autumn months.

Weather statistics for Miami: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 30 29 28 26 24
Average minimum temperature 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 26 26 24 22 20
Rainfall mm 52 41 53 57 93 163 119 155 162 118 55 45
Average sea temperature 24 24 25 26 27 29 30 30 29 28 27 25
Weather statistics for Orlando: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 21 23 25 28 30 31 31 31 30 28 25 22
Average minimum temperature 11 13 14 17 20 23 24 24 23 20 16 13
Rainfall mm 58 52 64 55 70 157 158 170 142 69 36 51
Weather statistics for Houston: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 17 19 22 26 29 32 33 34 31 27 22 18
Average minimum temperature 8 10 13 17 21 24 24 25 22 18 13 9
Rainfall mm 109 88 99 100 95 115 94 102 120 105 107 108
Weather statistics for New Orleans: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 17 19 21 25 28 31 31 31 29 26 21 18
Average minimum temperature 9 11 14 18 21 24 25 25 24 19 14 11
Rainfall mm 116 112 123 102 94 133 144 163 123 86 84 101

The Northwest Coast (Seattle – Portland):
The Northwest Coast includes the States of Washington and Oregon with cities such as Seattle and Oregon. Here the climate is temperate with relatively mild temperatures most of the year. In the winter half, the weather will be cooler with rain and possibly snow, while the summer half is warm and mild.

Weather statistics for Portland: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 8 10 13 15 19 23 28 29 25 17 11 8
Average minimum temperature 2 2 3 5 8 11 14 14 12 8 4 2
Rainfall mm 173 137 151 123 75 48 14 17 42 113 177 197
Weather statistics for Seattle: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 8 9 12 14 18 21 25 26 21 15 10 7
Average minimum temperature 2 2 4 5 8 11 14 14 12 8 5 2
Rainfall mm 181 127 145 122 81 66 29 37 67 143 206 182

The Southwest Coast (San Francisco – Los Angeles – San Diego):
On the Southwest Coast lies the State of California with major cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Here the climate is Mediterranean. The Southwest Coast generally has hot and dry summers, while winters are mild with both sun and rain. Temperatures in San Francisco are mild and cooler relative to the more southern cities like Los Angeles and San Diego.

Weather statistics for Angeles: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 20 19 21 23 25 28 31 32 31 27 23 19
Average minimum temperature 7 7 8 10 12 15 18 18 17 14 10 7
Rainfall mm 84 89 54 19 11 3 2 0 4 17 21 53
Average sea temperature 15 15 15 15 15 16 18 19 19 18 17 15
Weather statistics for San Diego: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 18 18 18 20 20 22 25 25 25 23 21 18
Average minimum temperature 9 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 18 15 12 9
Rainfall mm 54 67 39 18 10 2 1 0 4 14 20 43
Average sea temperature 15 15 15 16 17 18 20 21 20 19 17 16
Weather statistics for San Francisco: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 14 15 16 17 19 22 22 22 23 21 17 12
Average minimum temperature 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 13 12 9 7
Rainfall mm 113 118 83 40 21 6 2 2 3 25 57 111

Western United States, inland (Death Valley – Las Vegas – Grand Canyon – Bryce Canyon – Zion):
In Western United States, there are large desert areas with temperatures up to 50°C, as recorded in Death Valley National Park. Areas such as Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park are typically hit by cold and snow in the winter and intense heat in the summer. It gets especially hot when hiking among the rocks in the national parks in the summer.

It is always a good idea to check local weather conditions in the national parks at their Welcome Centers.

Weather statistics for Bryce Canyon: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 8 11 17 22 27 34 35 33 29 22 14 7
Average minimum temperature -2 0 4 8 13 19 22 21 17 10 4 -1
Rainfall mm 23 22 17 13 10 3 7 11 15 20 13 19
Weather statistics for Death Valley: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 17 20 25 30 35 41 44 42 38 30 22 15
Average minimum temperature 12 14 20 24 29 35 38 37 32 24 17 11
Rainfall mm 20 26 16 8 4 2 6 4 5 10 8 16
Weather statistics for Grand Canyon: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 9 11 15 19 24 30 31 30 27 21 15 9
Average minimum temperature -2 -2 1 5 9 15 18 17 14 8 3 -2
Rainfall mm 58 66 52 26 15 4 30 34 26 33 37 54
Weather statistics for Las Vegas: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 14 17 22 26 31 37 39 38 34 27 19 13
Average minimum temperature 4 5 9 12 17 23 27 25 21 15 9 4
Rainfall mm 25 31 17 8 6 2 8 11 8 9 10 22
Weather statistics for Zion National Park: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 6 8 13 18 23 30 32 30 27 20 13 6
Average minimum temperature -7 -5 -2 3 8 15 19 17 12 5 -1 -6
Rainfall mm 53 59 48 29 18 6 9 14 22 30 29 46

Hawaii (Kauai – Maui – Big Island – Oahu):
The Hawaiian Islands have a tropical climate. The weather is typically sunny and pleasant all year round with temperatures between 24-31°C, but the amount of precipitation varies depending on the season. From November-March, heavy rainfall may occur, unlike in the months of April-October, which are drier. The destination can be visited throughout the year, but it is most popular during the dry season.

Microclimatic conditions on the individual islands may, of course, make themselves felt, but a common feature of the Hawaiian Islands is that the eastern side of the islands is wetter and greener than the western side, which is sunnier and drier.

Weather statistics for Hawaii: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Average maximum temperature 24 24 24 25 26 27 27 28 28 27 26 25
Average minimum temperature 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 21
Rainfall mm 47 35 46 19 21 15 13 17 18 27 53 55
Average sea temperature 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 26 25

Passport & visa

You obviously need to bring your passport on the tour. The passport must be valid for the entire duration of your stay and have a biometric chip. A provisional passport (emergency passport) is not accepted on entry.

If you are making a stopover in another country than the United States, you are yourself responsible for checking the rules for the requirements for the validity of your passport.

ESTA and visa
You must have an approved ESTA or visa to enter the United States.

Read more and see what applies to you here:

Visa Waiver Program (VWP)

A visa to the United States is not required for British citizens when the purpose of the stay is holiday or business, and you also meet a number of conditions:

  • You have applied for ESTA and received a pre-approval of it (further information below)
  • The duration of your stay in the United States is less than 90 days
  • You are in possession of a machine-readable passport that is valid for the entire duration of your stay and has a biometric chip
  • Upon entry, you can present a confirmed return ticket or a ticket for onward travel outside North America and the Caribbean

If you meet the above criteria, you can generally travel under the so-called Visa Waiver Program (VWP) if you have completed and received approval of your ESTA.

ESTA (Electronic System Travel Authorization)

ESTA (Electronic System Travel Authorization) is an electronic online application for pre-approval of your (holiday) stay in the United States.

When filling in your ESTA application, you should only use the official website of U.S. Customs and Border Protection via this link:
Be sure to follow the link provided to avoid copy sites. An application fee of USD 21 is charged per person. This is also the case if you apply via the ESTA App – here you should only use the Department of Homeland Security’s official app.

You are yourself responsible for applying for the entry permit well in advance and preferably shortly after booking your tour – but no later than 72 hours before departure. All travellers, regardless of age, must have a permit.

When you start your ESTA application, you need to have the following ready:

  • Your passport
  • Your itinerary
  • Your credit card
  • Your email address

Before submitting your application, we recommend double-checking the correctness of your entered data. This also applies if you have used the ‘scan passport’ function.

You will receive an answer to your application in the same place where you filled it in, and we recommend that you bring a physical copy of your ESTA pre-approval with you to the airport.

The pre-approval is electronically linked to your passport and is valid for two years or until your passport expires (whichever comes first.) If you get a new passport, you must apply for a new ESTA.

Please note that you must contact the U.S. Embassy and apply for a visa if you have travelled to the following countries:

  • Cuba as of 12 January 2021
  • North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia or Yemen as of 1 March 2011

Similar stricter rules will apply if you have dual citizenship in these countries, a criminal record, or if your ESTA application has been rejected.

For more information on how to complete your ESTA application, you can find a list of frequently asked questions and answers here:

You can also call on tel. no.: +1-202-325-8000.

Declaration of consent:
If you are travelling alone with your child or with children who are not your own, you must have a power of attorney from the custody holders and bring it with you on the tour. The power of attorney must be written in English.

NB: You are responsible for checking whether you need a visa for transit airports en route.


APIS (Advanced Passenger Information System)

When you travel to the United States, you must fill in a so-called APIS prior to your journey. Here you must provide your name as it appears in your passport, information about an emergency contact and the address of your first overnight accommodation place in the United States. The name of the first hotel on your tour will appear from your tour confirmation.

We recommend that you fill in your APIS from home on the airline’s website, but it can also be done at the airport in connection with your check-in.


If you are travelling via Canada, the following applies to British citizens:

To travel via Canada, you will generally need an electronic travel authorization (eTA).

As a British citizen, you do not need a visa to Canada if the purpose of your stay is holiday, family visit or business, and you also meet a number of conditions:

  • The duration of your stay in Canada is less than six months
  • You have applied for and received approval of your eTA (read more below)
  • You are in possession of a passport that is valid for six months after your stay in the country has ended and which has a biometric chip

eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization)

An eTA is an electronic online application for pre-approval of your stay in Canada (this also applies to transit to another country.) Travellers by land are exempt from applying for an eTA if, for example, they are driving by car from the United States to Canada.

When filling in your eTA application, you should only use the Canadian Government’s website via this link: sure to follow the link provided to avoid copy sites. An application fee of approx. CAD 7 is charged per person.

You are yourself responsible for applying for the eTA well in advance, and we recommend that you do so shortly after booking your tour – but no later than 72 hours before departure. All travellers, regardless of age, must have an eTA.

When you start your eTA application, you will need to have the following ready:

  • Your passport
  • Your credit card
  • Your email address

Before submitting your application, we recommend double-checking the correctness of your entered data.

The reply to your application is typically sent to your email shortly after your application has been submitted, but you can expect a processing time of up to 72 hours. If you do not receive an answer to your application within this time period, you should contact the Canadian Embassy.

The eTA is electronically linked to your passport and is valid for five years or until your passport expires (whichever comes first.) If you get a new passport, you must apply for a new eTA.

We recommend that you bring a physical copy of your eTA to the airport.

As the rules may change at short notice, it is recommended that you always obtain information about current passport and visa rules from the country’s embassy.

Travel documents

Before departure, you can download our App here, where you can find your travel documents and contact details for TourCompass and our local partners.

In the app, you can access your vouchers, which you must present on your journey. Each individual voucher contains important information regarding any car rental, train tickets, hotels and excursions.
Remember to read the voucher carefully and show up at the specified meeting points and times.

It is important that you bring your tour quotation. In your quotation, you have easy access to the current day programme, which contains important information for each individual day. The day programme can be used as a guideline, so that you get the most out of your time at the destination and do not miss out on the highlights.


Special information about excursions:
In the United States, it is common to reconfirm your booked excursion. It will appear on your voucher if this applies to your excursion. The excursion organiser may also contact you. This is all done to ensure that there is a clear agreement on the time and location of the joint starting point for the excursion or any pick-up at your hotel if this is included in the booked excursion.


Special requirements for tours to Yosemite National Park:
Yosemite National Park is one of the United States’ most popular national parks with up to 3.5 million visitors annually. From 2023, the number of visitors has been significantly reduced by the introduction of a reservation system that aims to protect the area’s nature.

The reservation system is simple and is required on selected dates throughout the year and typically for all days during the peak season. It is your own responsibility to apply for a reservation pass.
Reservations for a current year open at the beginning of January. It is recommended that you are ready to make the reservation already when the reservation period opens (typically in January) if you wish to enter the park during one of the most popular periods.

  • A reservation is valid for one vehicle and for up to three consecutive days (including the day of arrival). You can choose to apply for a full day or a half day. For a half day, you are only allowed to enter after 12:00 noon

You can apply for a reservation here:

Prior to your reservation, you should have the following ready:

  • Your date of arrival in Yosemite
  • The time period that you are applying for
  • Payment card (there is a reservation fee of USD 2)

The person whose name is on the reservation must bring a confirmed reservation (printed or digital) together with valid photo ID and present the documents at the entrance to the park.

If you do not get a reservation pass for Yosemite National Park:
If there are no more reservations available on any of your travel days in Yosemite National Park, you can still enter the park during off-peak hours before 05:00 and after 16:00.

However, it is worth noting that entry on the first day during off-peak hours does not trigger a reservation pass for the following days. Here you will also need to enter the park during off-peak hours if you do not have a reservation.

If there are no more reservations available, you will also be able to apply for a reservation pass one week before you will be entering the park (very limited number). This means that if you are entering the park on 27 July, reservations will open on 20 July at 08:00 local time. The number of reservation passes available one week before the visit is very limited, and it is therefore recommended to have registered as a user in advance and to be ready to book a reservation when reservations open.

As an alternative, you can book a bus ticket in the area from your hotel and take the bus into the park (possibly book with drop-off at Yosemite Village). This requires that you book a ticket yourself (well in advance). If you have a bus ticket with YARTS, you automatically have access to the park on that day. It is your own responsibility to check the rules for the ticket in question if you use this option.

*Changes may occur on an ongoing basis, and the above dates and times are therefore indicative. You can always see the current rules here: 


Entrance to other national parks in the United States:
An entrance fee of between USD 25-35 is charged at the entrance to any national park in the United States – also those where you only drive through such as Death Valley National Park or Joshua Tree National Park. The entrance fee typically gives access to a national park for three consecutive days (including the day of arrival).

For some tours, it may therefore be worthwhile to buy an America The Beautiful Annual Pass, which provides free entrance to all national parks in the United States. This Annual Pass costs USD 80 and is valid for up to four adults in the same vehicle as well as children aged under 16, who enter free of charge. It is valid for one year from the date of purchase. You can typically purchase this Annual Pass at the entrance to the national parks or online here:

Please note that payment of entrance fee to the national parks is not the same as a reservation pass, which is required in certain parks during peak season.


We advise you to contact a medical specialist, your GP or an authorised vaccination clinic. You can also read more about the rules regarding travel vaccinations here.

Please be aware of the rules about yellow fever – especially if you are entering via another country where yellow fever is present. Some countries require proof of yellow fever vaccination upon entry. Your vaccination certificate should therefore always be carried with you in your hand luggage when you travel.

Travel terms and conditions

Please read our general travel terms and conditions carefully, as these are part of the agreement terms for tours purchased at TourCompass. Tours purchased from us are covered under the “Package Travel Act”.

Click here to read our travel terms and conditions.

All the flights and flight-inclusive holidays on this website are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. When you pay you will be supplied with an ATOL Certificate. Please ask for it and check to ensure that everything you booked (flights, hotels and other services) is listed on it.
Please see our booking conditions for further information or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate click here.

Travel insurance

We always advise you to obtain comprehensive travel insurance when heading off on your dream holiday. It is also highly recommended to acquire cancellation insurance for extra protection. 

Click here to proceed to our page on insurance, where you can read more about our recommendations.


Currency, price level & tipping

In the United States, the currency is called United States dollar (USD). You can find the current USD exchange rate here.

Visa and Mastercard can be used in hotels, most restaurants and in shops. In all major cities, there are ATM machines where you can withdraw cash. We recommend that you bring cash with you when visiting the smaller towns and national parks, where the signal for both payment card and ATM machines may fail.

Get an idea of the price level in the United States here.


In the United States, it is both welcome and expected that you leave a tip/gratuity for staff in the service industry, and, on average, it is recommended that you tip between 15-20% depending on the service you have received.

Staff in the service professions are primarily remunerated with tips, and it is therefore an important part of their monthly earnings. Some places may already have added the tip to your bill. This will typically be done in restaurants, where it will appear as ‘gratuity’ on your bill. In such cases, you do not need to tip any further.

The following is an indicative level:

  • Taxi drivers: 15-20% (also applies when using apps like Uber and Lyft). However, a minimum of 2 USD per ride.
  • Bellhop: USD 1-2 per piece of luggage
  • Cleaning staff: USD 3-5 per room per day
  • Restaurants: here you basically tip between 15-20% depending on how you assess the service and the food. Check whether gratuity has already been added to your bill.
  • Guides: USD 10-20 per day per person depending on duration and service

Food & allergies

At the vast majority of our destinations, we are able to take allergies, as well as allergens or preferences into account when it comes to food, however it is important that you inform us of this when you book the tour.

Telephones, Wi-Fi & electricity

Telephone & Wi-Fi:
Using data and roaming abroad is expensive if it is not already included in your mobile subscription. You can contact your mobile operator and find out which services are included in your subscription as well as what prices apply to you on when you travel abroad.

If you do not already have data and roaming for the United States included in your mobile subscription, we recommend that you use free Wi-Fi when you are at your hotel or in restaurants. You can then call and write home free of charge via various services such as Facetime, Messenger and WhatsApp.

You can also buy a physical SIM card including data on arrival in the United States. As an alternative, you can buy, in Denmark or at your destination, an electronic SIM card, a so-called eSIM, where you keep your own SIM card on your phone and still have data while travelling.

In the United States, 120-volt sockets are used. The sockets are with two ‘flat’ pins. It is therefore important to bring an adapter.

What to pack

Make sure you pack all your important and indispensable things in your hand luggage. This applies to items such as passports, visas, vaccination cards, travel documents, insurance documents, credit cards, money, computers, mobile phones and cameras, as well as information about your health and vital medicines.

Bringing plant products into the UK

Visitors are not permitted to bring plants, seeds, fruit and other plant products into the UK from their travels outside the UK, unless they are accompanied by a plant health (phytosanitary) certificate. These rules also apply to smaller quantities of plants and plant products.

Read more about the rules here.

Travellers with impaired mobility

Please note that our tours are generally not suitable for people with impaired mobility. Please contact us for information about your options in relation to your specific needs.


Airline tickets

Most airlines have electronic tickets (e-tickets).

It is important that you check your name for spelling errors, as the name on the reservation must be exactly as it appears on your passport. If your name needs to be corrected, please contact us as soon as possible. Please note that this may incur a fee from the airline.

Seat reservation

The airline will assign you a seat on the plane when you check in. If you have specific requests, you can make a seat reservation on the airline’s website or app. Please note that most airlines require payment for a seat reservation.

It varies when airlines open for seat reservations, but as a general rule, you can book seats from the time of booking and up to 48 hours before departure.

We also point out that the airline has complete control over all seats on the plane and that they are therefore entitled to make changes to the reservation at any time.
If you do not make a seat reservation before departure, the airline will assign you a seat at check-in.


Your passport and your booking reference, which appears on your itinerary, are required to check in.

We recommend that you download the airline’s app on your phone. In the app, there is an option for online check-in, which opens 24 to 48 hours before departure. The app also allows you to stay informed of any flight changes and other important information about your flight.

Please note that the flight times may have changed in relation to those listed on the travel itinerary you received when you booked your holiday. It is always the flight times in the airline’s app or on the airline’s website that apply.

At the airport

We recommend that you arrive at the airport to check in at least two hours before departure. It is a good idea to check the airport’s website for the latest updates.


We use many different airlines for our destinations. You can check the exact rules for hand luggage and checked baggage on the airline’s website or in their app.

If domestic flights are used in your itinerary, please be aware that baggage permissions may be different from how they are for your international flights. In general, you can always purchase more baggage allowance locally.

Delayed baggage

If your baggage is delayed, please contact the staff in the baggage reclaim area to report your missing baggage.

It is important that you have your baggage receipt when completing your PIR (Property Irregularity Report).

Please note that you must not leave the baggage area at the airport until you have completed the report.

Flight delays or cancellations

Should any changes occur in connection with your flight reservation before departure, we will of course contact you to let you know.

Should your flight be delayed after check-in, the airline is responsible for rebooking your flight. They will typically book the next possible flight and arrange any meals and accommodation if necessary.

Our partner checks for any changes in arrival times and will naturally still wait for you, even if your flight is delayed.

If, due to a delay or cancellation, the airline books you on another flight number after you have arrived at the airport, please contact us on TourCompass’ emergency number.


Immigration & Customs

When you arrive at your final destination, you go through immigration. Here your passport is checked as well as any entry documents and visa. In many places, you will be required to provide fingerprints, and a picture of your face will also be taken for biometric recognition. You may also be asked questions about your travel plans in the country and your accommodation address.

Once you have gone through immigration and have collected your luggage, you will need to go through customs. If you do not have anything to declare, you can go through ‘nothing to declare’. If you instead have something to declare, it is important that you go through ‘declare’. You have the responsibility for checking the customs rules that apply in the country to which you are travelling.


Once you have gone through immigration and customs in the United States, you will need to get to your first overnight accommodation place on your own – either by public transport, taxi or car rental. You can see what applies to your tour in your quotation, which you have received by email. In the quotation, you can see the day programme for your tour, and here it will be stated whether you are to pick up a rental car on arrival, or if you need to use other transport to arrive at your accommodation.

Car rental on day of arrival:
If you are to pick up your rental car on the day of arrival, you will find details of pick-up location, car hire company and time on your voucher. The voucher will also contain a brief description of how to get to the car hire company (Directions to the Lot). Most car hire companies have desks inside the airport or a short distance from it. You may use a free airport shuttle that takes you directly there.

Hotel check-in and check-out

Normal check-in is typically between 14:00-16:00, and you can therefore not expect your room to be ready before then.

At check-in, the receptionist will usually register your credit card and possibly reserve an amount. This is not an extra expense, but standard practice in hotels to ensure payment of any consumption from the minibar or similar. At check-out, the amount will automatically be released if you have not consumed anything.

It is very normal for hotels to take a copy of your passport. In some places, this is a requirement from the local authorities.

On departure, check-out is normally around 10:00. If you are not travelling on until in the afternoon or evening, you can have your luggage stored until you are going to leave. If you instead prefer a late check-out, you can book this against a fee when you book the tour.

Resort fee and parking fee:
In the United States, some hotels charge a so-called resort fee. A resort fee is a daily fee charged in addition to the room rate. Some hotels have the fee included in the booking, while others charge it at check-in or check-out. The fee typically covers joint facilities such as Wi-Fi, fitness centre and pool access, pool towels, parking and the like. The amount may vary depending on which and how many services are included at the hotel. Please note that some hotels charge a separate fee for parking.

Type of tour and transport

In case of unforeseen conditions such as bad weather, blocked roads or other adverse circumstances, it may be necessary to change the order of sightseeing trips and attractions in the daily programmes. Should this be the case for you, please contact our partner.


Car rental:
Self-driving tours are a popular mode of travel in the United States, and it is an easy country to drive around in. This gives you fantastic freedom to decide where and when you want to make stops en route. You can read more about driving in the USA here.

We use Alamo Rent A Car in the United States. Below you can find important information about car rental in the United States, including a list of the insurance provided under the applicable rental agreement. Please note that any reservations may appear in the itemised overview of terms and conditions.

Here are some things you must be aware of regarding your car rental in the United States:

  • Your car rental in the United States includes statutory and selected recommended insurance:
    • Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)/ Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) incl. Theft Protection (TP): Covers in case of damage to the rental car and in case of theft. There is an excess of USD 0.
    • Extended Protection (EP): Extended third-party liability insurance. Covers damage or injury to third parties in case of an accident by up to USD 1 million. There is an excess of USD 0.
  • Your car rental does not include the following insurance or services:
    • Personal Accident Insurance (PAI): The insurance package does not include personal accident insurance for the hirer, other passengers or additional drivers. You should ensure that this cover is included in your private insurance and that it provides cover for travelling in the United States.
    • Roadside Assistance (RA). This service can be purchased locally if you wish. It costs approx. USD 7 + local taxes per day and is settled locally at pick-up.
    • Fuel: the car must generally be returned with the same amount of petrol as on pick-up (typically a full tank). If in doubt, ask the local car rental office.
    • Add-on insurance: You may be offered a number of additional insurance covers at the local car rental office. Here, it is up to you whether you want to buy these. However, please note that your signature on the final rental agreement (with any add-on purchases) is legally binding, and that you are liable for any add-on purchases.
  • Passport, driving licence: Upon pick-up of your rental car, you will need to present your passport and driving licence. Temporary and digital driving licences will not be accepted. It is recommended to bring an international driving licence, which you may be required to present together with your regular driving licence in some cases. The above also applies to any additional driver and drivers aged between 21-24.
  • Additional drivers (AD): An additional driver is entered on the rental agreement on pick-up of the car and must present passport and driving licence in the same way as the hirer/primary driver. An additional driver must be over 25 years of age.
  • Credit cards: The primary hirer must bring a valid credit card with the hirer’s name on it when picking up the rental car:
    • Credit card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover
    • Remember to bring your credit in physical form (not on your phone)
  • Security deposit: A deposit is required upon pick-up of the vehicle. The deposit is equal to approx. USD 500. The amount is reserved on your card and is released when you return the car.
  • Young driver fee: is charged as a supplement for drivers aged between 21-24. The fee is approx. USD 25 + local tax per day and is settled locally on pick-up. Please note that drivers aged between 21-24 are only allowed to drive certain car categories.
  • Navigation: your car rental does not include GPS, but this can be booked when you book your tour. It costs approx. USD 15.99 + local taxes per day and is settled locally on pick-up. If you have access to data either via your phone subscription or via an American SIM card, you can use several free navigation services on your phone. Alternatively, you can buy a GPS at the destination.
  • Car seats: Car seats can be reserved when you book your tour. It costs approx. USD 7 + local tax per day and is settled locally on pick-up. Indicative overview for choice of car seat:
    • Infant seat (2.3-9 kg)
    • Child safety seat (9-18 kg)
    • Child booster seat
  • Luggage: On pick-up, you will typically be presented with a number of different cars you can choose from within the booked car category – depending on the car you choose, the size of the trunk may vary. It is therefore recommended that your luggage consists of soft bags and does not exceed the recommended number of luggage applicable to the car category for your tour.
  • Permitted roads: The rental car is only allowed to be driven on official asphalt roads
  • Breach of contract: In the event of breach of the car rental agreement, including negligent driving, or violation of US legislation, the insurance will not provide cover


Train travel in the United States:
There are various train operators in the United States. On the Northeast Coast between Washington D.C. and Boston, our partner is Amtrak. Pay special attention to arrive on time. Typically 30 minutes before departure and at large stations such as Penn Station in New York City, it is recommended to arrive 45 minutes before departure.

Information about which platform the train departs from will appear on the information screens approx. 15-20 minutes before the scheduled departure.

We recommend that you bring a type of bag/suitcase that is easy for you to get around with.

You travel in standard class (coach class). You may bring the following:

  • 1 small bag on board the train
  • 2 pieces of luggage per person (max. 71 x 55 x 35 cm and max. 22 kg) – are brought into the carriage and must be able to fit between rows of seats or on racks
  • If you have oversize luggage, you must check it in. For this type of baggage, you must arrive no later than 60 minutes before departure, and you may be charged an additional fee.


Public transport or taxi:
Taxi, Uber: In the United States, taking a taxi and using Uber are equally common. It is recommended that you download apps like Uber from home if you want to make use of this service. The service is easy to use, and you pay for the ride when booking your desired route.

Public transport: The big cities also have good public transport facilities, and here we list general recommendations for individual cities when you arrive at the airport:

  • San Francisco: you can take the train from the airport to the city centre. Here you must order a so-called Clipper Card via an app. If you want to use this, the app should be downloaded from home. You can read more about the Clipper Card here:
  • Washington D.C: you can easily take the train from the airport to get to the city centre. You buy a ticket with a SmarTrip card, which can be purchased at ticket vending machines located in the Metro-rail station of the airport. You can read more about metrorail here:



Special terrain and weather conditions:

  • The Tioga Pass: The Sierra Nevada mountain range stretches through part of California. During the winter months, there will be heavy snowfall in the mountains, which often results in closed passages via mountain passes during certain periods. When you travel from Las Vegas, our tours run via Mammoth Lakes as standard, before you can drive via the Tioga Pass (in the summer months) into Yosemite National Park the next day. However, the Tioga Pass will typically be closed due to large amounts of snow from November to June. The exact date for when this mountain pass opens is defined year by year based on current weather conditions. If you travel in months when the mountain pass is usually closed, your overnight stay will automatically be changed to Bakersfield, so you drive south of Sierra Nevada.
  • Death Valley: Please note that the high temperatures in Death Valley National Park require that you show special care. If you are driving through the national park during the summer period, you should follow the advice to drive as early as possible in the day to avoid too high temperatures, refuel the car before entering the park, have extra drinking water in the car and stay on marked roads.
  • General road and weather conditions: It is your own responsibility to stay informed about current weather conditions on your route – including roads that may be closed. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with current conditions in national parks in particular. You can always access information about national parks here:

Need for help during the tour?

We have a 24-hour emergency hotline so that you can always get in touch with us should anything unforeseen occur during your tour. You will also be sent the telephone numbers and emergency telephone numbers of our partners at the destination. In some cases, it may be easiest and fastest to contact our partners due to time differences, if, for example, you find yourself in a situation where your pick-up for an excursion or transfer is more than 15 minutes delayed.



We rely on happy travellers, and we would therefore very much like to hear from you after your return home. Send us an email at or call us on tel.: 01279704135.

North America
Emily Roper

Emily loves to travel and is extremely passionate about helping others achieve their travel dreams.

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13