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Open today 09 - 13 | Opening hours
HomeTaste the island's spices

Taste the island's spices

Zanzibar is famous worldwide for its many spices; in fact the island is often called ‘Spice Island’. And you may want to think again before wishing someone away to the other side of the world – to ‘where the pepper grows’, as the Danes sometimes say – because this would land them on Zanzibar, where black pepper actually grows as fresh, green berries, along with nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger, lemon grass and exotic fruits.

On this excursion, you will visit both small kitchen gardens and large spice plantations around the villages of Kizimbani and Kinchi, where you can smell, touch and taste a wide variety of spices and fruits. You will also find out more about how they are grown, and how they can be used in food and as medicine.

Duration: Half-day excursion

Payment is made at the start of the tour.

Prices are approximate:
Per person from:  75 USD
Catriona Hodge

Catriona is passionate about helping other people fulfill their travel dreams, as she knows how much travel has only improved her life for the better!

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9-15
Friday 9-13